blog 10 Time Management Tips to Boost Your Success

10 Time Management Tips to Boost Your Success



Are you ready to finally be that super-organised, successful business owner you’ve always dreamed of being? Excellent! Here are some no-nonsense time management tips to help you get there – without turning into a stressed-out zombie.

1. Try Reverse Scheduling

Now, this one’s a bit of a game-changer. Instead of making your schedule revolve around work, try flipping it on its head and schedule personal time first – yes, you read that right. Block out time for the important stuff like exercising, family dinners, or just five minutes to enjoy a cuppa in peace.

Once you’ve got your ‘me-time’ in the diary, schedule your work tasks around it. This way, you’ll feel less like you’re constantly on the go, and more like you’ve actually got some balance. You’ll come back to work refreshed, more focused, and probably less inclined to snap at that email that just came in.

2. Start Your Day With a To-Do List

There’s nothing like the feeling of ticking things off a list, right? Start your day with a simple to-do list – but keep it realistic. Write down the most important tasks first. When things inevitably get hectic later, you’ll at least have nailed the big stuff. Plus, crossing things off that list feels like a mini celebration with every tick.

Sometimes I even write things I’ve already done just so I can cross them off – it’s oddly satisfying, isn’t it?

3. Use Time-Blocking

Time-blocking is the secret weapon of the organised entrepreneur. Break your day into chunks of time dedicated to specific tasks. Instead of spending the day flitting between emails, projects, and the occasional scroll on Instagram, you’ll be fully focused on one thing at a time.

For example, block out an hour for emails, another for meetings, and so on. It’s all about focus. No more ‘Oh, I’ll just check my phone quickly’ turning into 30 minutes of watching funny cat videos.

4. Avoid Multitasking

I know, we’ve all tried to convince ourselves we’re great at multitasking. But, sorry, we’re not! Multitasking usually just means doing several things badly at once. Focus on one task at a time – give it your all, finish it, then move on to the next. Your brain (and your to-do list) will thank you.

5. Limit Your To-Do List and Prioritise

Yes, another list tip – but hear me out! You don’t need 27 things on your to-do list every day. Narrow it down to a few key tasks and focus on the high-priority stuff. If you’re like me, trying to do too much just leads to frustration – and the feeling that your list is giving you side-eye by 4 pm.

6. Schedule Unstructured Time

This might sound counterintuitive, but give it a go. Set aside time in your day for, well, nothing structured. Use it to brainstorm, doodle, or even stare out of the window (yes, really). These unstructured moments give your brain space to breathe and come up with those genius ideas that always seem to appear when you’re least expecting them. Plus, it’s a good excuse to daydream without feeling guilty.

7. Limit Distractions

Ah, distractions. The sneaky productivity killers. Whether it’s your phone pinging, emails popping up, or the sudden urge to reorganise your desk for the fifth time today – distractions are everywhere. Start by turning off non-essential notifications, and try using techniques like the Pomodoro method. Work in short, focused bursts, followed by a quick break. It’s amazing how much you can get done when you limit the interruptions!

8. Time Your Decisions

If you’ve ever spent half an hour debating whether to start a new project or get a second opinion on what coffee to order, this one’s for you. Set a time limit for your decisions. Whether it’s choosing a new software or planning a meeting agenda, give yourself a deadline. You’ll make quicker, more confident choices and avoid falling down the rabbit hole of endless deliberation.

9. Set Boundaries on Your Time

It’s so easy to let work creep into every part of your life as an entrepreneur, but trust me – setting boundaries is a must. Establish your working hours and stick to them. No more checking emails at midnight (guilty), or answering client calls over dinner. Protect your personal time, and your work hours will be far more productive as a result.

Trust me, nothing says ‘I respect my time’ quite like politely ignoring your work inbox after 6 pm.

10. Have “No Meeting” Days

As I'm sure you are aware, meetings can eat up your day like nothing else. That’s why “no meeting” days are a lifesaver. Pick a day – or even half a day – each week where meetings are banned. Use this time for deep work, planning, or smashing through your to-do list without any interruptions. You’ll be amazed at how much you can get done with zero Zooms on the agenda.

And there you have it – 10 time management tips to help you stay on top of your game and maybe even enjoy a little free time along the way. Now, go on and give them a try – your future self will be high-fiving you for this one.


Hi, I'm Tasha

I’m a Life & Business Coach, an Aussie mother and wife, and a lover of music, cats, and jigsaw puzzles. I help busy entrepreneurs say goodbye to stress and hello to success!




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