blog Can You Be Addicted to Stress?

Can You Be Addicted to Stress?



It can be tricky to figure out if you’re addicted to stress, especially if it feels like stress is just part of your daily routine.

You might be so used to that high-strung, anxious feeling that you don’t even notice it anymore. The thing is though – chronic stress isn’t just a normal part of life. Sometimes, it’s a sign that you’re actively seeking it out.

So, how do you know if you’re addicted to stress? Let’s take a look at some of the common signs.

Never Having Any Free Time

If your schedule is packed to the brim every single day and you never seem to have any time for yourself, that’s a big red flag. Sure, everyone’s busy, but even the busiest people manage to carve out a bit of downtime.

If you’ve filled every minute of every day, it might not be by accident – you could be craving the stress and chaos that come with a jam-packed schedule.

Constantly Packing Your Schedule

Do you find yourself constantly looking for more things to do? Maybe on your day off, instead of relaxing, you’re offering to help a friend move or adding more tasks to your already overflowing to-do list. It’s almost like you’re allergic to free time, right?

There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious and wanting to get ahead, but if you feel like you have to keep busy 24/7, that’s a clear sign you might be addicted to the stress.

bored woman throwing paper plane

Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do

Okay, so on those rare occasions when you do have a bit of downtime, do you get bored? Do you feel restless, maybe even a little uncomfortable with nothing on your plate?

If you can’t just sit still and relax without feeling like something’s missing, it might be that stress addiction kicking in. Free time doesn’t have to be boring – it’s a chance to recharge!

Feeling More Accomplished When You’re Busier

Are you one of those people who feels like the busier you are, the more successful you must be? Like somehow those 80-hour workweeks, lack of sleep, and missing out on social life mean you’re “winning” at life? Sorry, but that’s not healthy!

It might feel like you’re getting more done, but at what cost? Burnout, exhaustion, and strained relationships aren’t badges of honour. As much as we like to think otherwise, we all need rest.

woman squeezing stressball at desk with laptop

Being Used to the Feeling of Overwhelm

Now, this one’s sneaky. If you’ve been stressed for so long that you don’t even notice it anymore, that’s a problem.

When you’re so accustomed to feeling overwhelmed, it becomes your new normal. That constant unease, the tightness in your chest, the headaches – they’re all signs that you’re running on stress. The worst part? You’ve probably adapted to it so much that you don’t realise just how bad it’s gotten.

How to Get a Handle on Your Stress Addiction

Recognising that you’re addicted to stress is step one. If any of the above sounds a bit too familiar, it’s time to take a step back. The truth is, stress might be common, but it’s definitely not normal – at least not in the amounts we tend to experience. Everyone needs a break, and so do you.

Start small. Say no to something this week, block off a few hours of free time, and slowly work up to taking an entire day off. And hey, if you can manage a whole weekend off without freaking out, you’re winning! The key is to make these changes gradually. Trust me, you’ll notice the difference, and your future self will thank you.


Hi, I'm Tasha

I’m a Life & Business Coach, an Aussie mother and wife, and a lover of music, cats, and jigsaw puzzles. I help busy entrepreneurs say goodbye to stress and hello to success!




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