blog Ditch the Comfort Zone: Strategies for Bold Business Moves
Ditch the Comfort Zone: Strategies for Bold Business Moves

Ditch the Comfort Zone: Strategies for Bold Business Moves



If you’re aiming to be a successful business owner or entrepreneur, you’re going to have to get a bit uncomfortable. I know, I know, the comfort zone is lovely, cosy, and safe – but nothing really exciting happens there. Sure, everything might feel easier, but your business won’t be advancing much. So, let’s shake things up a bit, shall we?

Here are some tips for pushing yourself out of that comfy little bubble and into the land of growth!

Start Small and Build Confidence

Look, I’m not saying you need to dive straight into a firewalk or quit your day job tomorrow. Taking risks doesn’t have to be scary or drastic. Start small – baby steps, if you will. Maybe try something new that gives you a little nudge outside your comfort zone, like attending a networking event (I know, not everyone’s idea of fun) or picking up a new skill that could actually help your business.

With every small step, you’ll build a bit more confidence. Before you know it, you’ll be tackling the bigger, scarier risks with ease. Think of it as training – start with the 1kg weights before you’re ready to bench press the big stuff.

Set Clear, Challenging Goals

If your goals aren’t making you squirm a little, you might want to revisit them. Setting challenging (but realistic) goals is a great way to push yourself beyond what feels easy. Make sure these goals are specific and just outside your comfort zone. Something that makes you think, “Can I actually do this?” but still gives you that glimmer of hope.

When you’ve got a challenging target in your sights, you’ll start thinking differently, coming up with creative strategies and pushing yourself to new heights. You won’t just be going through the motions – you’ll be innovating and growing.

Embrace Uncertainty

Ah, the unknown. It’s enough to make anyone retreat back into their comfort zone, but here’s the thing – uncertainty is part and parcel of entrepreneurship. The sooner you embrace it, the quicker you’ll grow. Not everything is going to go according to plan (bummer, right?), but that’s OK.

By accepting that things can, and probably will, go sideways at some point, you’ll be better equipped to adapt. Think of uncertainty as an opportunity – it’s where all the interesting stuff happens!

Change Your Routine

We all get stuck in our ways sometimes. Same routine, same habits, same old results. If you’re looking to grow, shake up that routine. Whether it’s as simple as switching up your daily schedule, trying out a new way of working, or adding something new to your day, a little change can spark creativity.

Entrepreneurs can easily fall into autopilot mode, but by breaking those patterns, you’ll be forced to think differently and adapt. You never know, you might stumble upon a fresh perspective or an idea that takes your business to new heights.

Seek Out New Experiences

Growth doesn’t happen by sitting on the sofa and sticking to the familiar. Get out there and seek new experiences! Whether it’s attending a workshop, mingling with new people in your industry, or dipping your toe into a new market, every new experience will push you a little further out of that comfort zone.

Plus, it’s a smart way to stay ahead of the game. By actively placing yourself in new environments, you’ll learn more, meet new people, and gain insights that could give your business that extra edge.

Surround Yourself With Support

You don’t have to go it alone. Stepping out of your comfort zone is easier when you’ve got a strong support system cheering you on. Whether it’s mentors, like-minded business peers, or your team, having people around who challenge and encourage you can make all the difference.

Entrepreneurship can be a bit of a rollercoaster, but with the right people around you, you’ll feel more confident taking risks. Plus, it’s always good to have someone to high-five when things go right – and someone to share a cuppa with when they don’t!

Learn to Manage Fear

Let’s face it – fear is often the biggest thing holding us back. We’re all scared of something, but it doesn’t have to stop us from moving forward. Recognise that fear is just part of the process when stepping out of your comfort zone.

Instead of letting it take control, break down exactly what you’re afraid of. Then, focus on the potential benefits of taking the leap. Entrepreneurs who learn to manage fear are the ones who take calculated risks and seize opportunities – even when it’s scary. After all, the best things often happen when you’re just a little bit terrified, right?

So, there you go. A few tips to help you escape that comfort zone and start moving towards bigger, better things. Remember, all the magic happens outside the bubble – time to pop it!


Hi, I'm Tasha

I’m a Life & Business Coach, an Aussie mother and wife, and a lover of music, cats, and jigsaw puzzles. I help busy entrepreneurs say goodbye to stress and hello to success!




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