blog Get Things Done: Practical Ways to Overcome Procrastination
Get Things Done: Practical Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Get Things Done: Practical Ways to Overcome Procrastination



We’ve all been there - sitting at the desk, staring at a never-ending to-do list, and somehow, it’s easier to reorganise your bookshelves or watch “just one” YouTube video than actually get started on that big project.

If you’re an entrepreneur battling procrastination, this one’s for you! Let’s dive into some simple, actionable strategies to help you stop putting things off and start checking things off your list.

Break Tasks Into Smaller Steps

Ever faced a project so big it feels like trying to move a mountain with a teaspoon? That overwhelming feeling is a classic procrastination trigger. The trick is to break it down into bite-sized steps. I mean, you wouldn’t eat an entire cake in one bite, right? (Although no judgment if you’ve tried!)

When you break a huge task into smaller, manageable steps, it doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore. Need to launch a new website? Start by focusing on choosing a template today, writing your bio tomorrow, and adding content later in the week. Before you know it, you’ve made real progress without feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

Set Clear Deadlines

I don’t know about you, but when something doesn’t have a deadline, I can easily convince myself it can wait. “I’ll get to it tomorrow” turns into “next week,” which quickly becomes “maybe next month.” Setting clear deadlines is a lifesaver, even if you’re the one imposing them.

And the thing is - self-imposed deadlines work wonders. It’s like tricking your brain into thinking it’s urgent when really, you’re the boss. Set realistic deadlines and stick to them, even if it’s just to complete a small part of the task. You’ll find it creates just the right amount of pressure to keep you moving.

Prioritise Your To-Do List

If you’re anything like me, your to-do list might look more like a never-ending scroll. Trying to tackle everything at once is the perfect recipe for procrastination. Instead, prioritise your list. Pick the top three tasks that are actually going to make a difference today and focus on them first.

I used to get caught up in thinking I had to do it all, but once I started focusing on the most important stuff—those game-changer tasks—everything else fell into place. Plus, crossing those big tasks off your list feels like winning a gold medal in productivity.

Use Time-Blocking

Time-blocking is my go-to when I feel the procrastination monster creeping in. The idea is simple: block out chunks of time for specific tasks throughout your day. It’s like giving your day a bit of structure, which makes it way harder to wander off into distraction-land.

For example, I’ll block 30 minutes just for emails (no social media scrolling allowed!), and then block an hour for a big project I need to focus on. Having those blocks in place helps me stay on task and keeps me from dragging my feet.

Eliminate Distractions

Distractions have to be the arch-nemesis of productivity. Whether it’s your phone buzzing, the temptation of YouTube, or the sudden urge to reorganise your kitchen drawers, distractions are a fast track to procrastination. One minute you’re working, the next minute you’ve fallen down an internet rabbit hole and have no idea how you got there.

Set up your workspace to minimise distractions. Turn off notifications, close all those unnecessary tabs (yes, you can do it!), and set some boundaries with anyone around you. For me, putting my phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode is like hitting the reset button. It’s amazing how much you can get done when the world isn’t constantly interrupting you.

Reward Yourself for Completing Tasks

It's true - sometimes we all need a little motivation to get through the day. That’s where rewards come in! After finishing a task, give yourself a well-earned treat. Maybe it’s a quick walk outside, a favourite snack, or even watch an episode of your favourite show. It might sound simple, but having a reward waiting for you at the finish line gives you something to look forward to.

I once promised myself a slice of cake for finishing a particularly tricky project. I'm not gonna lie - thinking about that cake got me through it faster than I expected!

Address Perfectionism

This one’s a bit sneaky, but perfectionism is often the reason we procrastinate without even realising it. The fear of not getting something just right can make us put it off indefinitely. Really though, done is better than perfect, especially when you’re running a business.

Perfectionism can slow you down, making you fuss over every tiny detail. I used to tweak and adjust everything endlessly, only to realise I was wasting time on things that didn’t matter. Now, I aim for progress over perfection and remind myself that I can always refine things later. Get it done, get it out there, and improve it as you go!

So, there you have it - some practical, relatable strategies for overcoming procrastination. Next time you’re tempted to put something off, try one of these tips, and watch how much easier it becomes to get things done. You’ve got this!


Hi, I'm Tasha

I’m a Life & Business Coach, an Aussie mother and wife, and a lover of music, cats, and jigsaw puzzles. I help busy entrepreneurs say goodbye to stress and hello to success!




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